How Yoga Can Help Pms Symptoms

Yoga has long been recognized as a powerful remedy for reducing the symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome). It is estimated that over half of women have to deal with the unpleasant and uncomfortable symptoms that PMS delivers every month. These symptoms can range from mood swings to headaches to sore and tight muscles. Work and home life can be impacted, so knowing that yoga can help to alleviate some of these symptoms provides a relief for many.

Hormones and an imbalance of them during the last few days before menstruation occurs is thought to be the cause of PMS. Yoga and it's gentle movements and stretches can do a lot to address the balance of the body and to help with hormones, metabolism, and energy.
If you suffer from PMS, there are several poses that will help your body deal with the frustrating and draining symptoms. For example, the following poses can help with stimulating the thyroid gland for improved metabolism and endocrine function: shoulder stand camel plow bridge

It is thought that the liver can be imbalanced during the menstrual cycle, thus causing more symptoms. If you find yourself irritable, anxious, angry and suffering from mood swings then you might want to try these poses for some relief: puppy dog crocodile seated forward bend
They should help to balance the liver and calm and soothe the emotions. A spot of meditation can also be of great benefit too. Diet can play a large part in reducing the symptoms of PMS. Caffeine, wheat, refined sugar and alcohol are all thought to exacerbate the condition. Yoga has been recognized for the self-awareness that it can bring about. This can result in a more healthy diet and lifestyle. There are some supplements that have been found to improve PMS symptoms including B6, Evening Primrose Oil, and calcium.

With regards to some healthy practices that can be applied straight away to improve symptoms, try these for starters: - Deep breathing. Stress is not a good addition to this particular part of the menstrual cycle or any in fact. Try to get into a good habit of monitoring your breathing throughout the day. Be sure to take some deep breaths as you go.
Movement. Exercise is a medicine in itself. As humans, we were built with long legs that should be walking on a daily basis. Moving can also get the circulation flowing so that blood does not get stagnant, and neither do hormones.

Sunlight is important. Sunlight can do a lot to get the body into balance. It can also change your mood to go out for a walk in the sunshine.

Eat well. Load up your diet with dark green salads and vegetables. Whole grains, fruits, and some healthy protein should make up the everyday diet. Go low on refined sugar, white flour, and some dairy. You should also be drinking plenty of water.

Finally, if you still feel a little tense then just go ahead and turn yourself upside down with a headstand.
Copyright ?? 2012 Thomson Wardle
